It can feel very vulnerable to share personal information with someone you don’t know and thus it’s important to feel clear about how your privacy is being protected. The first time you meet your counsellor they will likely explain this to you, if not then feel free to ask. Generally, you can expect everything you say in the counselling room to be kept in total confidence, however it’s important you know that:

  • Your counsellor may need to pass on information if they feel your life or someone elses life is in immediate risk. You can expect your counsellor to discuss this with you first wherever possible.
  • Counsellors keep notes about your work together, you can expect these to kept somewhere safe and for only the counsellor to have access to these notes.
  • Counsellors access guidance and support from a professional supervisor about the work they undertake with clients, they do not share any identifiable information and supervisors are also bound by confidentiality. This process is to ensure that your counsellor is always working ethically and supporting you to the best of their abilities.
  • You do not have to tell anyone you do not want to that you are attending counselling. Your counsellor may discuss with you how they will upkeep your privacy should you encounter one another in a public/social situation.
  • Your right to confidentiality is protected beyond the end of your work together.

Counsellors work differently so it’s always worth asking questions of your counsellor to ensure you feel comofrtable and confident in how they protect your privacy.


Image Credit
By Magnus Lindvall. Licensed under Creative Commons 0.